Weils, Jane Starr

Ancient cultures, myth and magick are the basic core elements that inspire my artwork. Fascinated with symbolic mythology, I try to weave a bit of symbolism into every painting. I want to create artwork that draws the viewer in, unfolding and revealing it's meaning slowly. The romantic drama of the Pre-Raphaelites has always mesmerized me. My love of the medieval era with it's art, history, peoples and legends influence not only my artwork but also crosses over into my every day life. I'm involved with two reenactment groups - Norseland, and The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Not only is my persona Celtic, but my family heritage is also.

Color is also extremely important to me. Exploring it's richness, the way light creates and interacts with it, and how even the darkest shadow has an unexpected depth to it. My medium is a combination of watercolor and colored pencil. I build up many layers with these two mediums and quite often will ad gouache or ink.

I am self taught for the most part. I have had some wonderful people influence and inspire me. My high school art teachers in NH always went above and beyond, they were truly passionate about sharing their gifts. I had only one semester at a local college when I lived in AZ. I really enjoyed the art history class and one particular art teacher who really challenged and inspired me.

I was born in New Hampshire. Lived most of my adult life out west owning and operating an art gallery first in Jerome and Sedona AZ then in Silver City New Mexico. Both very enchanting and lovely places! Approximately 5 years ago I relocated back east where I now live in upstate New York by a beautiful river in a charming 104 year old farm house with my three kitties and a wonderful husband!

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