Dragon Muse Artworks

Hello! I'm Yvette Marie aka Dragon Muse. I've been creating art in many forms for over 40 years. From pastels as a child, to sharpie doodles on my kiddos lunch bags, to owning a portrait photography business and then freelancing as a graphic designer. As an introvert, Art has always been my way of "loving on the world around me". Recently that world has grown quite a bit bigger and I'm here for it! It means everything to me to be able to inspire stories and creativity with my works.

We live in amazing times. The internet, and the tools available to artists are evolving at a rapid rate. So many unbelievable tools are available now to everyone, and I see a renaissance of sorts. A whole movement of creativity that is borne from this technology.

I know that many people are either against the use of ai in art, or are on the fence. I understand that feeling completely. It's new, scary and disruptive. Artists using traditional methods are being challenged to pivot, and I am one of them.

I use ai as a tool in my works. Just as I used a camera before, and a paintbrush or pastels, to bring my visions to life. My years of experience as a traditional artist in the past helps me to utilize this new and amazing technology, and it is my hope that I brighten your day with my visions of love, and hope.

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