Powell, Kate

I’ve wanted to be an artist ever since I was old enough to understand the fact that one day I would have to be something in order to make a living. For my 2nd birthday, I received a ‘mega-sketcher’ from my uncle, and as I was praised by my family for all the drawings of dinosaurs and sea-creatures I created there, I practiced daily. I knew that art would be the driving force of my life when I realized that it was what made me stand out from the other children. I became ‘the girl who could draw’. My talent was something I carried around with me every single day, it was part of me, it made me who I was.

In 2011 I started to take art more seriously, when I realized being able to draw wasn’t enough to fuel a career, and so I started trying to make real art. I have loved nature all my life, it is the backbone of every thing, it is beautiful, and it is incorporated into most of my drawings and paintings. I like to embellish portraits and figures with elements of nature to combine ‘human’ and ‘natural’ beauty, and I also like to use nature to express more personal and emotional ideas. Butterflies are a regular occurrence, my awareness of and involvement in The Butterfly Project has meant that they have come to represent tiny little emblems of hope. As art is slowly becoming a bigger and bigger part of my life, my work is growing more personal, and closer to my heart. As well as dainty illustrations, I am trying to create pieces that can be seen as windows to my true soul.

These days, I still feel unsure about labeling myself as an artist, but drawing is what I do and who I am. If I didn’t draw I’d curl up and die. Every big breakthrough starts as a hare-brained idea, and I am trying to go off into the deep end, and take my art a little bit further, and this is what motivates me to keep going. I need to balance my routine portfolio with the new and untried, I need to take risks or I’ll fizzle out and never make anything of my so-called gift. I have a lot to learn, and learn I shall.

When it comes down to art, what motivates me most of all is the blankness of the page in front of me which cries out with so much possibility. I look at the blank sheet in front of me and know that I can do anything. I am free, there are no rules.

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