
Cari Buziak currently lives in Calgary, Alberta, with her husband, her two cats and two guinea pigs. She enjoys creating costumes and also plays a little wire strung Celtic harp named Meghan. In a mix of old techniques (hand made gesso, egg tempera, gold leaf) and new (several Mac computers) she recreates ancient manuscripts in painted and digital form for a wide variety of merchandising and fine art needs.
Idolized artists include Jon Muth, Charles Vess, Brian Froud, Maxfield Parish, and Archibald Knox. Cari had the honor of being invited to Ireland for the summer of 2000, to work as the artist for an archaeology dig. The Ballykilcline Project, centered in Strokestown, Co. Roscommon, gave her the opportunity to reconstruct artifacts by sketching, create promotional paintings of the dig site, and also to further her own research into Celtic art and mythology.

Current and past published works include book illustrations for Interweave Press, Penguin/Pearson Books, Llewellyn Publications, Chronicle Books), designing for Irish Dance dresses, jewelry designs and other commissioned works. Her work has been featured in design magazines and she has had gallery exhibitions in Calgary, Toronto, Indiana, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Oregon, Japan, London, and New York. Cari has sold worldwide, and her artwork appears in private collections in Canada, Europe, Japan, and the United States.

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