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Diamond Painting Frequently Asked Questions
Custom Blank Canvas Request
(Email [email protected] for a quote. Please do not give measurements in centimeters.
Inches, drill/stitch count, or HAED chart names only)
Once an order is placed we cannot cancel since canvases are usually shipped within 48 hours of ordering
Please do not add any other items to your order when you order Crown Jewel Canvases, since they are shipped in tubes it is difficult for us to add charts or other items. We also ask that you not purchase a service with your DP canvas since the order could be held up.
We format for square drills only and we do not provide the drills, but we recommend the following vendors:
Diamond Painting Drills (
Diamond Drills USA (
Francesca's Studio Works (100% resin for better brilliance) (
All of which are located in the United States.
We also provide a black and white or colored canvas, just choose from the options provided. Each canvas is wrapped around a pool noodle and shipped in a heavy-duty tube. We also ship worldwide. We DO NOT recommend ironing due to the sealing process on the canvas.